of government on behalf of Montana’s community banks.

The MIB Association

ICBA News contains press releases and commentary by ICBA lobbyists and other national news sources on what is happening in Washington and how it is affecting the community banking industry.
MIB Legislative News
State Legislation
State Legislation is only active during Montana’s legislative sessions. This is where you can find a biweekly legislative schedule and up-to-date information on relevant proposed state legislation.
MIB Lobbying Correspondence
MIB Lobbying Correspondence contains a searchable index with links to PDFs of correspondence James Brown has sent to state and federal legislators, regulators, and industry heads on behalf of Montana’s community banks. (Members only)
MIB-PAC Candidates
MIB-PAC Candidates lists the candidates for the Montana House of Representatives and Senate that were supported with contributions by MIB’s PAC funds, along with their election results. (Members only)
Find My Elected Official
Find My Elected Official has links to find and contact your state and local representatives and let them know what is best for your bank and your community.
ICBA’s Advocacy Page
ICBA’s Advocacy Page is where you can read ICBA’s press releases, blogs, campaigns, and lobbying correspondence, in addition to further policy resources.