Scholarships and Awards

The MIB Association

Scholarships and Awards



MIB Graduate Banking School Scholarship


In order to assist our member banks in providing the highest quality education to their bank employees, the Montana Independent Bankers Association (“MIB”) is pleased to offer a $2,500 scholarship to a banking school of their choice for the 2025 year. 


The applicant must have 3 years minimum banking experience with competencies in accounting, corporate finance and economics, and be currently employed by a MIB member bank. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident with a permanent resident ID card or current passport. Only one scholarship award per recipient will be granted. MIB requires that the scholarship be used during the year it was awarded.


Nominations will be accepted by the Montana Independent Bankers until April 30, 2025.  Nominees must submit both this application and proof of acceptance at the banking school of their choice before consideration.  Qualifying applications will be forwarded to a representative of Pinion, P.C., a disinterested third party, for review and selection, and nominees will be informed of her decision by May 30, 2025. Scholarship funds will be awarded by check payable to the winning nominee, and may only be applied to tuition, accommodations, meals, and classes at an approved banking school.  The scholarship recipient is responsible for paying the remaining balance at this banking school.


Download and complete this application form and mail or email to MIB, along with proof of acceptance at a graduate-level banking school for the 2025 year, by April 30, 2025.

MIB Outstanding Young Banker Award

To recognize upcoming leaders in Montana’s banking community, we honor one special young banker each year.  The recipient of this award will receive:

  • Free 2025 MIB Convention Registration for one person (July 16th-18th, 2025 in Big Sky)
  • One night lodging during the convention
  • $100 in travel expenses to the convention
  • An honor plaque to display in his or her office, and
  • Prominent mention in the MIB magazine and website.

This award is based on the community banking values of good citizenship, community service, and sound banking skills.  This award not only recognizes the impact that the candidate has in his or her business each day, but also the difference she or he makes by investing in their community.

Eligible applicants must be under age 35, employed by a current MIB member bank for three consecutive years or more, and not have been the recipient of a prior MIB Outstanding Young Banker Award.

Apply by June 17, 2025 by downloading and submitting the following form:

Outstanding Young Banker Award AppYoung-Banker-Award-2025



In order to provide our member banks with a unique educational opportunity and member benefit, the Montana Independent Bankers Association (“MIB”) is pleased to announce the creation of a new scholarship program.  This new MIB ICBA Convention Scholarship will help our member banks attend the ICBA Annual Convention, held at the Opryland Hotel Nashville, TN from March 11-14, 2025, by covering the convention’s registration fee.


The applicant must have three years minimum banking experience and be currently employed by a MIB member bank.   Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident with a permanent resident ID card or current passport.  Only one scholarship award per recipient will be granted.  MIB requires that the scholarship be used during the year it was awarded. The association encourages the winner to attend the PAC auction held during the national convention in order to support our federal advocacy efforts.

Apply by January 20, 2025, by downloading and submitting the following form 2025 ICBA Scholarship



In order to provide our member banks with a unique educational opportunity and member benefit, the Montana Independent Bankers Association (“MIB”) is pleased to announce the creation of a new scholarship program. This new MIB scholarship is designed to help one of our member bankers attend the ICBA D.C. Advocacy Summit to be held in Washington D.C. May 12-15, 2025. The scholarship will cover the amount of roundtrip airfare from Montana to Washington D.C. up to $850.00.



The applicant must have three years minimum banking experience and currently employed by a MIB member bank. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident with a permanent resident ID card or current passport.  Further, the applicant must not have previously won the scholarship.  Only one scholarship award per recipient will be granted. MIB requires that the scholarship be used during the year it was awarded. The association encourages the winner to contribute to the MIB and/or ICBA PACs in order to support our state and federal advocacy efforts.



The amount of the scholarship is limited to covering up to $850.00 in air travel expenses to attend the ICBA Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C.  Scholarship funds will be paid to the member bank following the 2025 Advocacy Summit by submitting a copy of the recipient’s air travel receipt to MIB for reimbursement.



Applications will be accepted by the Montana Independent Bankers until March 1st, 2025.  Apply by downloading and submitting the following form HERE



The MIB Association